Thursday, June 26, 2014

Things you need for hot baseball tournaments

I read on anything that I want to learn to get better about. I especially love to find ideas on how to save time and make life easier. That is why I started this blog. We can learn so much from one another on what makes life easier.  I am loving the great ideas my fellow team moms are sharing with me on what has helped them to get thru sports and make their life easier. One of the ideas that I have seen at the ballpark when you are going to be there all day is the wagon. We parents spend all day at the ballpark with these travel tournaments so we need to be prepared with our chairs, cooler, snacks, Frogg Togg cooling towels, etc. Bringing a wagon to pull all this stuff for you to the ballpark is a great help to parents. I also recommend highly the coolers that have wheels. Pack them with waters and fruit for your kids. Fruit is the best snack for the ballpark. Sliced apples, grapes, strawberries are all good examples of stuff we share with the kids in our dugouts in between the games to give them a lift. The Frogg Togg cooling towels can be found at Walmart or any sports store. Wet it and it cools off your child during dugout time. They are a life saver and I recommend them for the parents too. I wear mine when I help in the dugout or even when I am sitting on the sidelines watching three games in one day. We put a 2oz bottle of spirits of ammonia in a cooler with cold water and our cooling towels. When the kids are in the dugout they put the towels on their necks, take off hats and drink water from a separate water cooler. Asthmatics are not recommended to use this though. Read the bottle for specifics. And don't forget to bring tents to put over the bleachers during the games and the team in between the games.

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