2. Dry socks. If you play more then one game you will need dry socks for your baseball player. In between games have them take their socks off and air dry their feet. Even in the heat sometimes they need to change their socks. I've known moms to dry their kids socks in the car on the heater too.
3. Slides or flip flops to wear in between the games while feet air dry.
4. Towel to wipe off bleachers
5. Blanket for bleachers. Thirty one makes a great blanket that rolls up small and tight that I love. It's waterproof on one side for the wet bleachers and soft on the other.
6. Umbrella
7. Snacks for the long rain delays (grapes, peanut butter crackers, apples)
8. Baseball cap for you. Who needs soggy wet hair!
9. Pay attention to what bag you carry that day. If it gets wet you want it to be material
that can handle getting wet.
that can handle getting wet.
10. Waterproof mascara! So if we forget any thing else we still look good Sports Momma Goddesses!
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